Scribe offers a three-tier data redaction model to provide users with maximum control over all data that Scribe receives. Our data redaction tiers include forms of redaction that occur before data is ever stored on our servers to prevent any transmission of sensitive data to our servers. In addition, we offer a manual method of redaction that is a full overwrite in our database to allow your team to purge any data that was shared unintentionally from our servers.
Tier 1: Smart Privacy Screen
Available on Enterprise plans
Scribe’s Smart Privacy Screen (SPS) is an automated redaction tool that can redact over 100 categories of sensitive data. The tool may redact data in both browser tabs and desktop applications and is configured by administrators. SPS cannot be turned off by end users. The technology is intended to empower organizations to minimize the amount of data shared outside of their organization and comply with standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).
Admins can fine-tune redaction rules to suit their organization's unique needs. In addition to the pre-set list of sensitive data categories, Admins can add custom terms to always or never be redacted. Additionally, Admins can control the rigor in which these rules are applied. They can adjust the level of strictness between prioritizing privacy (very strict) or usability (less strict).
It is Scribe’s goal to ensure that our customers trust that any data captured throughout the creation of a Scribe is securely stored and protected from unauthorized access. This is a method of user-side data control that, coupled with our secure cloud infrastructure, ensures that you have peace of mind when it comes to data protection.
Click here to learn how to enable Smart Privacy Screen.
How does Smart Privacy Screen work?
SPS works differently for the browser and desktop application.
In the browser plugin, SPS reads hypertext markup language (“HTML”) headers to identify secure fields or fields labeled as one of the hundreds of supported categories of data and redact these fields.
In the desktop application, SPS functions via optical character recognition (“OCR”). For both the browser plugin and the desktop application, you also have manual redaction as a backstop.
Who manages Smart Privacy Screen settings?
Your workspace administrator in Scribe can configure SPS settings.
Can I add custom fields for Smart Privacy Screen to detect?
Yes, Admins can add any custom word or group of words to be redacted. Admins can utilize regex to define patterns they want redacted.
We have multiple teams using Scribe. Can I customize our redaction settings by team?
If you have multiple teams under your organization, it might be important to set redaction criteria at the team level. This capability is included in select Enterprise plans. To find out more, please reach out to
Tier 2: Smart Blur
Available on Pro and Enterprise plans
Smart Blur is an automated redaction tool that can redact preset categories of data, such as personally identifiable information, numbers, images, long text, and custom selectable elements. The tool may redact data in the browser plugin and is configured by end users. The technology is intended to empower users to minimize the amount of data shared with Scribe and comply with standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), as well as prevent the tool from capturing confidential business information.
Click here to learn how to enable Smart Blur.
How Does Smart Blur work?
Smart Blur reads hypertext markup language (“HTML”) headers to identify secure fields or fields labeled as one of the toggleable categories (e.g., “Name,” “Email address”). Smart Blur also recognizes HTML elements such as images and text to automatically blur these fields in the browser before the image is transferred to our server. The user may also hand select HTML elements to blur. We do not receive an unredacted version of the image.
Who manages Smart Blur settings?
Your end users configure Smart Blur settings every time they capture a new Scribe using the browser extension.
Tier 3: Manual Redaction
Available on Pro and Enterprise plans
Scribe’s manual redaction feature is a user-initiated redaction tool that redacts a selected area from an image that is stored on Scribe’s servers. The user may redact the image while editing the Scribe. In the event that the user redacts an image using manual redaction, although the unredacted image was initially hosted on Scribe’s servers to enable editing features, the image is fully overwritten, even in our backup database. This means that we do not retain an unredacted version of the image. Manual redaction is not reversible.
Click here to learn how to use manual redaction.
How does manual redaction work?
We host images on our server to enable editing features. The user selects an area from the image, and the element is blurred. The image is then overwritten in our database.
Who manages manual redaction?
An end user performs manual redaction.
Is an unredacted version of my data stored anywhere?
The unredacted image is overwritten once a user redacts something from a screenshot. By default, our version history features allow for rollback and restoration of previous versions of Scribes. For organizations with version history features turned on, we do maintain an unredacted version of images that have been manually redacted to allow for rollback and restoration. However, organizations may turn this feature off, meaning that no unredacted data is stored anywhere.